Hello! Let me introduce myself.

My name is Danessa, or D for short.

I was born and raised in the western United States and had a pretty normal childhood. Normal, as in my parents divorced when I was a baby, and I was raised with my mom and (second) stepdad.

I saw my dad only occasionally, as he got remarried and started a new family. But, I loved my home and my school, and my friends.

As I got older, I started thinking about the world and how things worked. I also dreamed about who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do in life.

School became less important. Although, I was still a great student and graduated with honors. That is because learning came easy to me; I never had to study, as that actually made me test worse.

I feel like I sort of sensed the meaning of things, without knowing how I knew them.

Picture of Me, D (2020)

I had big general plans for after high school. I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to move away and explore.

However, when I met my future husband, those plans came to a halt. I’m not sure what it was, but we quickly became inseparable.

Before we knew it, I was pregnant, and we had our first child when I was at the young age of 19. My new plan was to be the best mom for my kiddo.

Me and CAR at Niagra falls (2019)

When I was 20, we got married, and we had 2 more children by the time I was 24.

Being a wife and mom was the greatest job (although I did work at times outside of the home). Even still, I had the desire to continue learning.

I went to community college and earned my associate’s degree in business.

I still had the desire to explore, but now with my whole family.

So through a series of changes and moves, I have constantly been seeking the best life for me and my family.

Not wanting to make the wrong choices, I have gathered so much information over the years, to ensure we were informed and on a good path.

We’ve also had so many experiences along our life journey, that I feel it would be a shame to keep what we’ve learned and discovered to myself.

New Year’s Selfie with Family (2022)

Recently, I went back to school for my bachelor’s degree in Strategic Leadership – Organizational Management. It is a great program, and I learned so much.

But I have always felt I learned more and better by conducting my own research. (I constantly find myself going down my own rabbit trails of related content.)

I want to share my knowledge, research, experiences, and opinions with anyone who is interested.

* However, I have strong convictions and never want to deviate from them or manipulate others into agreeing with what I believe. I love to ponder and debate, as long as it is for learning/growing’s sake.

Read My Welcome Post

My Thoughts on Christianity

My Thoughts on Children & Education

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My Thoughts on Marriage

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