RV travel Q&A

traveling around the country in motorhome

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It seems so long ago, the day we decided to change our lives so dramatically.

It was 2018, and my family and I had been aching for something new and different. We felt trapped in our current lives. We were part of the never-ending rat race, trying to keep up with the Joneses. We were not content. While sitting around talking one evening, I mentioned how I would like to sell our home, move to another state, and get new jobs. Ideally, only my husband would need to work, and I could stay home and raise and homeschool the children. I just wished there was a way to visit different states and see where we wanted to go.
That was when our 13-year-old son mentioned getting an RV and traveling the country. I loved it. And within two or three months, we sold our house (and most of our belongings) and bought a motorhome. It was a new adventure. It was a new life. But was it the change we thought we desperately needed? And how did we accomplish it?
Here are some Q&A on our experience with full-time RV travel:

How could you get rid of all your stuff?

This part of our lifestyle change was actually pretty easy for me. I had already been practicing minimalism. Although I am not sentimental, my husband and one of my children are. So we had to compromise and purchase a storage unit to store some keepsakes we did not need in our RV. Additionally, I took photos of many old drawings and cards that the kids had made us and stored them on a hard drive.

Were You Scared?

I actually had no fear heading into this lifestyle. I knew I did not like where we were in life, and I felt nothing could get worse. It would be different, but I was ready for the change. I was looking forward to finally getting a vacation and being free from our stresses at the time.

The excitement of planning where we would go and what we would do kept the fear away. Plus, getting everything ready within a few short months, kept my brain occupied.

Were you Stressed?

To be honest, there were some majorly stressful times while making the change, and also when we were first on the road. It seemed that everything was going wrong. However, I had faith that everything would work out, nothing was as bad as it seemed, and we would still be better off. Those thoughts kept me pushing through the stressful times.

Read more about the ups and downs of selling our house and finding the right RV on my travel blog!

How did you decide which RV to get?

This was the funniest part of planning but also one of the most stressful. We decided we wanted a motorhome because if we traveled many hours a day across many states, we did not want to be stuck side by side together in a truck, towing our home. I did not want to stop for food and bathroom breaks to a hot fifth wheel or travel trailer. And from what I could tell, most blocked necessary features when the slides were in. But we could spread out and easily access everything we need in a motorhome.

Next, we decided to get a Class A motorhome because they were more roomy and less expensive. We could get a layout that worked for us. And our final decision was that we wanted a diesel RV because the engines last much longer and they can hold more weight. From there, it was just about finding a suitable layout, having enough storage, and being a good deal at a great price.

Check out our RV here and read about us purchasing it here!

What about your kids’ school?

Lucky for us, I already homeschooled, so there was not much of an adjustment there. We just had to be creative when finding room to store curriculum and activities. And, what better learning can they get than actually going places and seeing things? We planned many museums and science centers along our route, so our history and science were taken care of! The kiddos worked on their other subjects during travel and campground days.

Find out more about our curriculum choices here and how I organize our homeschool here!

This is a developing post that will be updated as more Q&A comes along. Thank you!

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